
+213 550 999 550



Bessam Djerad

Experienced Technical Project implementation with over 22 years of experience in large specter of IT and technology sphere.

Managing projects for state and private sector on which I led one or more teams of 2 to 16, in several areas (network installation and IT infrastructure, ERP implementation and management software).


Project management

Help desk provider and manager

Course provider

Team leaders

Commun-ication skills

Sales knowledge

Work History

Consultant for ERP implementation –ORAFORMED 01/2022 to 08/2022

• Help to make plan to implement ERP for manufacturing.

• Introduce team managers to the ERP solution.

• Answer manager’s questions and collect data for planning.

• Help to create planning implementation.

Co-Founder and project manager–Quatrième Dimension Inc 06/2007 to 12/2022

• Computer network implementation.

• PABX installation and configuration.

• Recommended, selected and helped to select the best solution and equipment for company’s network, computers and other IT equipment.

• Help create script for unattended Windows setup and complementary software.

• Contacted customer about commercial offers and suggest update and modification to meet customer needs.


Founder and manager DIA Computer– 06/1999 to 12/2006

• Creating Computer bundle, setup OS and necessary software.

• Providing target course for MS Windows and MS Office for managers.

• Recommend, select and help obtain technical solution and product based on customer needs.

• Help desk on premise.